Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sleep in the News

I am pleasantly surprised that at least once a week, one of the featured stories on Yahoo relates to sleep. Today, for example, an NPR story was featured, entitled "In Today's World, the Well-Rested Lose Respect." There's a picture of Bill Clinton falling asleep during the dedication of his boyhood home. The jist of the story is that people tend to sacrifice sleep in order to achieve more in life, and that this behavior is admired.

Well, I agree that's the way it is (myself included), and nobody's going to change that any time soon. Meanwhile, my philosophy is to get the best sleep I can, no matter how brief it is. That means building up an arsenal of things that fend off loud noises and bright lights that disrupt sleep.

You can only allocate 7 hours a day for sleep? Make the best of it with a sleep mask, ear plugs, a white noise machine, blackout blinds, etc. We sell it all at The Complete Sleeper! If you do the math, you can improve your sleep for pennies a day without resorting to pills.

My arsenal? Every night: ear plugs, sleep mask, white noise machine and blackout blinds. Double protection against noise, and double protection against light. These products have changed my life for the better for nearly 20 years. Try them yourself!

Sleep tight!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New York Times Sleep Articles

Here's a link to NY Times sleep articles.

Here are some of the best ones:

A Quiet Night’s Sleep? Priceless, if You Can Get It By JOE SHARKEY Most hotels do not like to talk about noise, but one chain is promoting the idea that a noise-free night is part of the deal.August 29, 2006

A Hotel That Reaches Out to Those in Need of Sleep By ANTHONY RAMIREZ Steps away from the No. 6 subway train and Lexington Avenue in full havoc, the Benjamin Hotel has deployed an array of anti-insomnia weapons.October 8, 2007

Hey, Sleepy, Want to Buy a Good Nap? By NATASHA SINGER Although it can be had free, rest is becoming a luxury item.

Frequent Dream - To Sleep on Flights By JOE SHARKEY Sleep, or the difficulty of getting it while flying, is what frequent business travelers talk about most.October 30, 2007

To Sleep, Perchance to Succeed By ALEX WILLIAMS Nighttime self-improvement tapes are making a comeback on the Web.January 4, 2007

Getting a Grip on the Winter Blues By JANE E. BRODYSAD, or seasonal affective disorder, affects one person in five in the United States.December 5, 2006

Performance: Naps May Benefit Night-Shift Nurses and Doctors By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Health care workers who take a nap in the middle of a night shift perform their tasks are better off, a new study suggests.November 14, 2006

Mental Abilities: ‘Sleep on It,’ It Appears, Really Is Good Advice By ERIC NAGOURNEY As people sleep, a new study suggests, their brains may be sorting through the information they have gathered, which could lead to new insights.

Memory: Want to Improve Your Recall? Try Sleeping on It By NICHOLAS BAKALAR The best way to remember something may be to go to sleep after learning it. People appear to remember word pairs best when they sleep after memorizing them, especially when they are challenged with distracting tasks, researchers have determined.July 18, 2006

Patterns: Sleep Proves More Elusive Than Many Believe By ERIC NAGOURNEY Many people think they don't get enough sleep. It may be even worse than they realize.July 11, 2006

Help for Chronic Insomnia Isn't Always Found in a Pill By JANE E. BRODY Sleep therapists have demonstrated the effectiveness of a brief form of psychotherapy called cognitive behavioral therapy for treating chronic insomnia.May 16, 2006

A Slight Change in Habits Could Lull You to Sleep By JANE E. BRODY Many of the millions of Americans who now rely on sleeping pills could cure their insomnia simply by changing their living and sleeping habits.April 18, 2006

Women Dress for Comfort in the Heat of the Night By MARY DUENWALD At least five brands of hot flash pajamas have sprung up in the past five years and sales are rising fast.December 13, 2005

The Sleep-Industrial Complex
While you’ve been tossing and turning, research scientists, pharmaceutical companies and mattress designers have been hard at work on your eternal nocturnal problem. But what exactly is the problem?November 18, 2007

Mysteries of the Brain and the Science of Sleep, Brought to Life in a Barn
Dr. J. Allan Hobson has converted part of a remote barn in Vermont into a small, interactive sleep museum for students.

The Science of Zzzzz’s
Jet lag is becoming a bigger aggravation in the global economy, leading sleep researchers to work harder to find suitable remedies.August 8, 2006

Here you can subscribe to the NY Times RSS feed on Sleep: What is RSS? RSS Sleep link: Sleep


"all you need for a good night's sleep"
(ear plugs, sleep masks, sound conditioners (white noise machines), blackout blinds, wicking sleepwear and sheets, sunrise alarms, light therapy, travel pillows, etc.)